
Only slip out of your shoes when YOU want to...

Only slip out of your shoes when YOU want to...

Ginger Straps is an awesome Attachable Ankle Strap addition to your heels and flats, serving not only as a solution-based product, but also gives your shoe a new look! 



NOT DTF (Down To Fall) #NOTDTF

NOT DTF (Down To Fall) #NOTDTF

Our "NOT DTF (Down To Fall) 20% OFF + FREE SHIPPING" campaign launched today! This week, we reach young girls and their moms by showing them how they bring comfort and style by attaching an ankle strap to their flats or pumps.


Should have used a Ginger Strap Wendy...

Should have used a Ginger Strap Wendy...

How many times have you slipped out of your heels?

Whether it’s getting stuck in a ditch, sweaty feet or we buy them bigger so they won’t squeeze our feet. Whatever the case may be; Ginger Straps brings you the ideal solution to slip out of your shoes ONLY when YOU want to.

Click how it works to see how easy they are to use in a quick stick, strap and a step.